At a quick glance you will see that this map shows many circular icons, these icons represent different types of crime that were reported in that specific area of the city.
Click on the circular icon on the map to learn the time, date, and where the crime happened.
You can filter the types of crime & date that they happened by clicking on the filter button at the bottom right hand side of the map.To navigate the map simply move your curser over the map and click and drag to move your POV to different areas of the city. Use the + and – buttons on the lower left-hand side of the map to zoom in and out for a wider or more narrow POV.
is Windsor Ontario safe? As you can see from the crime map, crime still happens here in Windsor. By continuing to look at crime trends, you'll be able to come up with your own answer to that question. Ours is that
yes, Windsor is a safe place to live.
However, there are things that we all can do to keep our homes, properties and communities safe from crime.
For more detailed crime information please visit
Windsor Police Services Website.